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HCRG Care Group awarded new contract to deliver the Healthy Child Programme

The programme delivers health visiting and school nursing services for 0-19 (up to 25 for SEND) and delivery from HCRG Care Group will start in October. 

The Healthy Child Programme works across various teams within the council including public health, early years, social care, and education, and with local health and care, and voluntary and faith-based organisations to ensure Slough families receive a comprehensive and joined-up service.

The new contract will see the council and HCRG Care Group address obesity in primary schools through targeted interventions for healthy eating and physical activity which will be supported by specially trained colleagues. They will support more children to meet the development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage by implementing a school readiness pathway; particularly focusing on fine and gross motor skills and communication skills, as well as support the 'Good Level of Development' attainment programme in schools; and collaborate with the early years sector and family hubs for integrated reviews. 

Additionally, the new service will place a strong focus on children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health issues, for which a Specialist Parents and Infant Emotional Wellbeing Portfolio Lead will be appointed. The new service will also support with the uptake of immunisations; improving children’s oral health; and reducing infant mortality through early intervention schemes and contribute to universal "Preparing for Baby" workshops for expectant parents. 

A well-trained, multidisciplinary workforce will deliver person-centred care through the family hubs and multiagency partnerships, and practitioners will be assigned to families to ensure continuity of care.

Sarah Wardle, Chief Nursing Officer at HCRG Care Group, said: "We are thrilled to be awarded the contract to deliver 0-19 health visiting and school nursing services in Slough. This is a testament to our team's dedication and expertise in providing high-quality, person-centred care for families. We look forward to working closely with the community to make a real difference to the health and wellbeing of children, young people, and their families."

Debbie Rowe, Director of 0-19 Public Health Services at Solutions 4 Health, said: “It has been our privilege to support the many families in Slough over the years, and we are deeply grateful for the trust and relationships we have built with each and every member of the community, our fellow Slough organisations, and Slough Borough Council.

 “Our team has been dedicated to promoting and supporting health and well-being across the Slough community, and we remain committed to ensuring a smooth handover to the new provider, who shares our dedication to high-quality health services. We are confident that they will continue to deliver the exceptional care that Slough deserves.”

Councillor Ishrat Shah, lead member for equalities, public health, and public protection, said: “I am looking forward to the start of the new service in Slough, and seeing the benefits for our children and young people, who are the heart of the borough. Their health and wellbeing are of upmost importance to the council as we want them all to have the very best start in life. It is programmes like the Healthy Child Programme that make this possible.” 


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Kate Pratt
(Slough Council, Communications Manager, Slough)

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