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New Simplified Planning Zone consultation

A new draft Simplified Planning Zone (SPZ) is being consulted on for Slough Trading Estate.

An SPZ is a specialised 10-year planning permission to support businesses and promote employment, and there has been one in place on the Estate since 1995.

The scheme provides rules about what can go where and how, and with what mitigation. Schemes that comply are allowed without needing additional planning permission.

The new SPZ introduces an extensive design code with rules for building design, and a package of measures to provide facilities to help employees and employers and address potential impacts for residents.

Councillor Paul Kelly, lead member for housing, highways, planning and transport, said: “The proposed new SPZ will help the trading estate to adapt to the changes in business and employment, such as the increase in demand for digital technology by allowing for data centres, and taller buildings including for warehousing and research and development.

“Having an agreed SPZ means development can progress at a quicker pace, with pre-agreed conditions.”

The consultation is open for responses until 19 August, with feedback informing the decision and final scheme.

SEGRO undertook an informal consultation on the SPZ earlier this year.

The aim is to present the final scheme details to Cabinet in the autumn, so this can replace the current SPZ which expires in November.

You can read the non-technical summary online to get an overview of the scheme, which includes information on permitted building heights, design quality, landscape and biodiversity, building sustainability, traffic and movement, sustainable infrastructure, and a skilled and sustainable workforce.

There is the more detailed ‘SPZ Scheme’ document which you can comment on in your response. The SPZ does not include the Power Station, as this is separately controlled, or prevent planning permission being applied for in the usual way.

Paper copies are also available to view in office hours at Observatory House, SEGRO offices on Bath Road, and Slough Museum.

Visit the consultation platform Citizen Space to find out more and have your say.

The consultation closes on 19 August.



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Kate Pratt
(Slough Council, Communications Manager, Slough)

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