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Adult learning courses – enrol now!

The autumn term of adult learning courses will begin on 16 September.

There is still plenty of time to enrol for a course, run through the council’s adult learning team.

Councillor Puja Bedi, lead member for education and children’s services, said: “Our dedicated adult learning tutors provide such a supportive learning environment, with a huge prospectus to choose from whatever your learning goal is.

“From English, maths and digital skills to health and wellbeing courses in cookery, sewing and crafts. There is something for everyone to enjoy.”

To enrol on a course, you will need to attend an assessment session with the team. Some of our courses are free (attend an assessment session for information).

There are enrolment sessions at The Curve from now until 26 September, with walk-in and pre-booked appointments available.

The next sessions are on:
• Thursday 5 September, 1.30-7pm
• Thursday 12 September, 9.30am-4pm 
• Thursday 19 September, 9.30-11.30am. 

For information on courses and how to book an assessment:
• call 01753 476611
• email lifelonglearning@slough.gov.uk
• visit our learning advice point at The Curve between 9.30am and 2.30pm, Monday to Friday 
• visit the council’s website, or the enrolment site for up to date information.

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Message Sent By
Kate Pratt
(Slough Council, Communications Manager, Slough)

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